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靈氣占卜 Reiki Divination

🔮 發掘靈氣占卜的力量,獲得生活指引!🔮 Unleash the power of Reiki Divination for life guidance!

澳門量思 The Extra Club Macau

Service Description

靈氣占卜 🔮 發掘靈氣占卜的力量,獲得生活指引!🔮 尋求清晰和方向嗎?體驗靈氣占卜實踐。透過連接宇宙能量,獲得深刻洞察力,照亮您的道路。我們大師將使用宇宙指示的占卜工具揭示真相並提供有價值的指引。 每人可共開地問最多 3 條問題, 如有需要可預約私人靈氣占卜。 解鎖您內在的秘密。立即預約您的靈氣占卜! #靈氣占卜 #生活指引 #清晰 #洞察力 #發掘您的潛力 Reiki divination - life guidance Unleash the power of Reiki Divination with Sky Bead Crystal and Energized Orgonite for life guidance! Each person may ask up to 3 questions opened to the group. You may book private Reiki Divination if you feel called. #ReikiDivination #LifeGuidance #Clarity #Insights #UnleashYourPotential

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Disclaimer: By attending the session, you agreed to the following disclaimer: 1. A session may involve physical movements and risk of injury, including disabling, severe, or fatal. If you experience any pain, you are instructed to discontinue the activity and seek professional medical support. 2. You assume all complete responsibility for any damages that may occur through participation. This is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not recommended or safe for those prone to mania, delusion, or psychosis. 3. You affirm that you are in good health and physical and mental condition to participate in such a program. The process is not recommended during pregnancy. 4. You affirm that you are responsible for deciding whether to practice at your own risk. 5. You hereby agree to release and waive any claims you have now or may have against this healing modality and its instructors. 6. You are above 18 years old. Rescheduling policy: All bookings are non-refundable, and cannot be rescheduled. So please ensure you are fully prepared and committed before booking. Payment policy: 1. Payment is required upfront. 2. Refund is only possible if the booking is cancelled by The Extra Club. The Extra Club reserved all rights.

Contact Details

  • 宋玉生廣場181 - 187號光輝商業中心12樓N座

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