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Gemstone/ object cleansing and recharge

寶石/ 物件淨化和加持

1 h
From HK$1,333
澳門量思 The Extra Club Macau|Hong Kong Admiralty/ Wan Chai, 香港金鐘/ 灣仔

Service Description

Object/ Crystal (inc. Sky bead, Ammonite and Andara) Cleansing and Recharging If you're feeling a sense of unease with your crystal and aren't sure how to address it, don't worry, we're here to help. We offer two options to assist you with your crystal: 1. Disposal or Repurposing: If you believe it's best to part ways with your gemstone, you can entrust it to us upon our agreeement. We will handle its disposal or find a new purpose for it in a sustainable and respectful manner, free of charge. 2. Professional Handling: For a reasonable fee, we provide a comprehensive service to address your gemstone's needs. Our skilled team will carefully inspect, cleanse, and recharge your gemstone, restoring its optimal energy and vibrancy. Each session is dedicated to one object, and if our team determines that the object cannot be cleansed or recharged, we will refund 50% of the fee. The whole process may take from 1 day to 1 month. Our service combines the power of Reiki, sound baths, the natural energy of the sun and moon, as well as energy fields and grids to cleanse and recharge your cherished gemstone. We begin by inspecting the gemstone to assess its suitability for recharging. If it is deemed rechargeable, we will cleanse it, eliminating any negative energy, and then align it with your unique vibration to enhance its higher purpose. Through our service, you will receive a gemstone that has been cleansed, infused with positive energy, and aligned with your personal goals. You will experience heightened energy, clearer intentions, and a deeper spiritual connection. Allow us to infuse your gemstone with renewed vitality, paving the way for your personal growth and energetic enhancement. Energy Master 1x - HK$2,222 Energy Master 3x - HK$5,999 Advance Energy Practitioner 1x - HK$1,333 Advance Energy Practitioner 3x - HK$3,666 物件/水晶淨化和加持 如果您對您的水晶 (包括天珠, 斑彩石, 玻璃隕石, 安達拉療癒水晶) 感到不安,並且不確定如何處理,別擔心,我們可以幫助您。我們提供兩種選擇,協助您處理您的水晶: 1. 處理或重新利用:如果您認為與您的寶石分道揚鑣是最好的選擇,您可以在我們達成協議後將其委託給我們。我們將以可持續和尊重的方式處理,或為其找到新的用途,而且不收取費用。 2. 專業處理:我們提供全面的服務,以合理的費用滿足您的寶石需求。我們的熟練團隊將仔細檢查、淨化和加持您的寶石,恢復其最佳能量和活力。每次服務僅限一個物品,如果我們的團隊判定該物品無法被淨化或加持,我們將退還50%的費用。整個過程可能需要1天到1個月的時間。 我們的服務結合了靈氣、音浴、太陽和月亮的自然能量,能量場和能量石,以淨化和充能您珍愛的寶石。我們首先檢查寶石,評估其是否適合加持。如果被確定可以加持,我們將淨化它,消除任何負面能量,然後與您獨特的振動相調和,以增強其更高的目的。 通過我們的服務,您將獲得一顆經過淨化、注入正能量並與您個人目標相調和的寶石。您將體驗到提升的能量、更清晰的意圖和更深層的靈性連結。讓我們注入您的寶石新的活力,為您的個人成長和能量提升鋪平道路。 量思能量大師 1x - 港幣2,222元 量思能量大師 3x - 港幣5,999元 (1x 港幣1,999元) 量思高級能量師 1x - 港幣1,333元 量思高級能量師 3x - 港幣3,666元 (1x 港幣1,222元)

Cancellation Policy

Disclaimer: By attending the session, you agreed to the following disclaimer: 1. A session may involve physical movements and risk of injury, including disabling, severe, or fatal. If you experience any pain, you are instructed to discontinue the activity and seek professional medical support. 2. You assume all complete responsibility for any damages that may occur through participation. This is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not recommended or safe for those prone to mania, delusion, or psychosis. 3. You affirm that you are in good health and physical and mental condition to participate in such a program. The process is not recommended during pregnancy. 4. You affirm that you are responsible for deciding whether to practice at your own risk. 5. You hereby agree to release and waive any claims you have now or may have against this healing modality and its instructors. 6. You are above 18 years old. Rescheduling policy: All bookings are non-refundable, and cannot be rescheduled. So please ensure you are fully prepared and committed before booking. When you are choosing not to come, you are taking a spot of a person who might be in a great need of healing. In case of emergencies and last minute cancellations, please contact us through, we might be able to transfer your ticket for upcoming zoom or in-person event. Payment policy: 1. Payment is required upfront. 2. Refund is only possible if the booking is cancelled by The Extra Club. The Extra Club reserved all rights.

Contact Details

  • 宋玉生廣場181 - 187號光輝商業中心12樓N座

  • 1 Electric Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

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