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Book a Reiki session

Reiki Attunement is a sacred transmission of pure life-force energy that facilitates a profound awakening connecting to Reiki energy field performed by Reiki Master. 
This natural, intelligent energy flows directly into your being, catalysing transformation at the deepest level, it is not meditation or yoga.
The activation does not rely on willful effort or self-generating practices. Instead, it is a divinely guided process that harmonises with your unique needs. All you have to do is to have an open mind to receive.

Please note that the times displayed for in-person sessions are in Hong Kong (GMT +8) time zone and the times displayed for online sessions are in your time-zone.  All bookings for Reiki Attunment are non-refundable, so please ensure you are fully prepared and committed before booking. 

Please see HERE or contact us (Whatsapp +852 94810758) for private reiki healing/ attunement sessions.


Reiki does not offer any legal, medical, psychological, or other professional advice. For such support, we recommend contacting a licensed professional. This process is not recommended for individuals prone to mania or psychosis, or for pregnant women.

Private Session

In-person group session

Online Session

What is Reiki?

Reiki is the medicine to all illness and the secret to Joy - Usui Mikao

The awareness that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly affects the quality of a person’s health. This life energy goes by many names: qi in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India. When your life energy is low, it is more difficult to deal with stress; you may not sleep well, and you’re more susceptible to illness.

When your life energy is strong, you feel strong, can more easily deal with stress, and are less likely to get sick. Reiki is a technique that increases a person’s supply of life energy.

Reiki is a compulsory subject at the School of Nursing of Yale University in the United States. A research at Harvard in 2018 stated that "Reiki reduced psychologic depression in adults. A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford,

Connecticut indicates that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent.

Reiki was developed in Japan in 1922 by Mikao Usui and was brought to the West in 1937 by Hawayo Takata. The popularity of Reiki has grown exponentially in the past few decades. A survey conducted in 2007 indicates that in the previous year, 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the U.S. received one or more Reiki sessions.

At The Extra Club, we blend Reiki practices with the amplifying power of Orgonite and the wisdom of Breathwork to accelerate your personal growth and well-being.

Reiki, proven by Harvard research, offers profound benefits for better sleep, reduced anxiety, and depression. By integrating Orgonite, which amplifies Reiki by up to 10 times, we create an optimal energetic environment for your transformation.

What is Reiki Attunement?

Reiki attunement is a process in which a Reiki master transfers Reiki healing energy to an individual in order to activate and open their channels for receiving Reiki energy. This allows the individual to become a channel for Reiki healing.  It is a powerful and safe space where you can experience and release what no longer serves you or is holding you back from your fullest potential; it is a space of transformation.  Your facilitator will create an energy vortex, a portal where Reiki energy will gather in greater intensity. When you surrender and open yourself, this incredible energy within you will be activated in your system, and you will be able to experience it on many levels.  Your journey will be personal and unique. The depth of your experience will depend on your current state of spiritual practice. We encourage you to approach this with no expectations or specific goals, allowing the energy to work its magic for your highest good and purpose.  Reiki is primarily predestined for spiritual maturing and advancing the process of self-development.  Reiki has the power to evoke, amplify and support the integration of your powerful life force energy, initiating growth that, with continued sessions over time, expands and advances.

Experience reported by our past participants: 

  • Healing: Channeling energy for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. 

  • Balance: Restoring harmony within body, mind, and spirit.

  • Connection: Deepening the connection to oneself and universal life force energy.

  • Self-empowerment: Taking an active role in personal healing and growth.

  • Compassion: Fostering compassion and loving-kindness towards oneself and others.

  • Glimpses of past lives.

  • Ability to foresee the near future.

  • Gaining profound insights into their own lives.

  • Out of body experience.

*** These experiences are subjective and vary from person to person.


Unlike a leisurely walk in the park or a casual yoga class, guided meditation you listen online, Reiki healing involves rewiring and repatterning our energetic system, leading to massive shifts in our lives and consciousness. We'd like to point out that it demands our utmost attention and should be treated with seriousness and respect.

In the presence of this energy, whether experienced intensely or subtly, powerful transformations unfold. The shifts that occur are deeply personal and unique to each individual as they embark on their own healing journey.

At The Extra Club, we can guide individuals to the deepest parts of themselves, drawing upon our self-exploration and growth. However, those seeking this healing work must be willing to venture into these profound inner realms.

During a session, you enter a vortex of Reiki energy—a frequency we hold and facilitate and receive the energy chanel by our Reiki Master at your level.  If you have not received Reiki training before, you will receive Level 0.5, if you have completed The Extra Club Reiki Level I, you will receive Level I attunment, and so on for your best interest and respect of this sacred energy. 

With your willingness to surrender and allow, tremendous possibilities arise, even at Level 0.5. It is an opportunity to intensify and activate your life force energy. It can also be a process of purification, awakening, regulation, remembrance, rebirth, ego dissolution, transformation, heightened awareness, and stabilization.

This process is entirely natural and safe. Each person's experience is unique, guided by their own inner wisdom. We create a supportive space where you can trust the unfolding of your journey, knowing that you are held with care and respect throughout the profound healing process.

Reiki Workshop

Workshops are available for those wishing to learn how to use Reiki to heal themselves or give Reiki sessions to their loved ones. Reiki I & II are simple and easy to learn; anyone can learn it, and there are no prerequisites. Once you’ve learned, you can give Reiki to yourself or to others.


Facilitator training (Reiki Level III) will empower you to confidently host group Reiki Healing sessions, both offline and online.

Teacher training (Reiki Master) is also available, but attendance requires an application. We take our energy training seriously, with prerequisites and assessments in place to ensure you gain maximum benefit from your investment.

Please be patient with yourself during this evaluation phase; it cannot be rushed or forced, regardless of your eagerness to work with this energy. If your evaluation sessions indicate that your energetic channels are not ready for Reiki Master level frequency, we recommend attending our Reiki attunement sessions and continue to practice healing others. These can help you further develop your spirituality and open your energy system. With time and practice, you may become ready to explore the Reiki Master path in the future, serving the world for the highest good.


Certificates recognized by The International Centre of Reiki Training will be given upon graduation (with additional cost).  

The International Centre for Reiki Training

The purpose of the association is to promote the professional practice of Reiki. Members have completed a required course of study, agree to abide by a code of ethics and standards of practice and use approved class manuals when teaching.

​​Learn more about The Extra Club Reiki Trainings integrating advance breathwork and orgonite to support your spiritual growth journey in a safe and efficient manner. 

Why Reiki?

Key Benefits include:

1.Improved sleep: Clinical study at Hartford Hospital, U.S., shows that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent.

2.Emotional Balance: According to a 2022 study by Harvard University, reiki assists in balancing mood and emotions, which can help alleviate symptoms of depression.

3.Stress Reduction: A clinical study from the U.S. in 2022 demonstrated that reiki significantly lower cortisol levels, thereby reducing stress and anxiety.

4.Increased Resilience: Engaging in spirituality (e.g. reiki) can enhance brain resilience and robustness, as highlighted by Lisa Miller, a Professor in the clinical-psychology program at Columbia University in 2021. This spiritual practice contributes to stronger mental health.

5.Physical Health Improvements: Participants commonly experience reductions in physical pain and report improvements in their sleep patterns, contributing to overall better physical health. Reiki participants reduced pain by 78 percent according to Hartford Hospital research.

6.Enhanced Creativity: Reiki open pathways for creative thinking, potentially enhancing problem-solving abilities and fostering innovative thinking.

7.Improved Focus and Clarity: These sessions help to clear the mind, leading to improved concentration and productivity post-session, making it easier to focus on daily tasks and responsibilities.

Reiki energy allows muscles to relax and increases blood flow to treated areas, which in turn quickens the healing process.  Practitioners and clients report help with stress, headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, sprains and other minor conditions.  Occasionally, miraculous results are reported. Reiki also promotes psychological healing, including release of anger, fear, worry, sadness and other unhealthy feelings, and replaces them with self-worth, confidence and tranquility.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School followed 99 patients at multiple sites to determine the effects of a single reiki session. The study—a single arm effectiveness study published in 2019 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine—found statistically significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as pain and nausea.

Additional research suggests reiki helps with depression and insomnia. A 2012 study in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology looked at 40 women who suffered from depression and anxiety. Half of the group received a reiki treatment twice a week for 10 weeks and the other half received no treatment. The women who received reiki saw significant improvements in both their depression symptoms and sleep quality.

Ref: What Is Reiki? Health Benefits, Caveats And More – Forbes Health

How often shall I do Reiki?

We recommend you practice Reiki for at least 10 minutes in the morning and in the eventing by yourself to maximise its benefits.  It's like you know how to run now, you still have to run yourself in order to benefit from it, we cannot run for you, we can only coach you how to run effectively and provide the environment and equipments for you.  

In general, being in this frequency once a week with our Reiki facilitators will help you progress, as a minimum maintenance to benefit from this energy, we would recommend once a month.  Everyone's journey is different. Please listen to your inner guidance & take time for integration.

The more one has been exposed to this frequency repeatedly, the more the nervous system becomes trained to uphold it.

Please remember that this process needs repetition, and you are the one who dictates the pace of your journey; there is no right or wrong pace here. If you trust this journey, know that the energy will be opening other layers and working deeper with time and repetition; come each time you are drawn to and ready to experience it. Let the energy shed the layers of what no longer serves you and share the profound transformation.

How does Reiki work?

During a session, usually last between 30 to 90 minutes, you will sit in a comfortable chair (for Reiki Attunment) or lie on a mat (for Reiki Healing), fully clothed. The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client’s head, limbs, and torso.  You, as the participant just need to relax and allow.   Physical (crying, yawning, sneezing, coughing, running nose etc.) and emotional (love, joy, peace, pain etc.) experiences are also very natural; it is a part of the purification process. 


Reiki is offered as part of regular patient care in over 800 hospitals across the U.S. including being given in operating rooms and intensive care units.  Reiki is NOT a religion. Our past participants come from various backgrounds and religions.

Over time you become a clear vessel for this life force energy, allowing it to come and work for you without interfering; the energy is extremely intelligent and provides what is needed for you at any given moment.

There is a transfer of energy happening in Reiki sessions. We will ensure each participant receives sufficient attention from our facilitators, and we will limit the facilitator to participant ratio to 1:10 to maintain this personalized level of support.  Like a dance between us all. There is no separation between us; to be more specific, there is only one. Our work during the session is only about 10% of the overall energy shifting; the real magic begins after our sessions in integration.

As the facilitator create an energetic vortex, participants will tune into this energy and resonate with it, much like a tuning fork. The frequency of Reiki is high, so with vibrational entrainment, your body will begin to do all it can to rise to this frequency. Meaning, that the higher frequency will hold a vibration that your body will try to meet, and in doing so, it will release the energy stored within the mind and body that is of a lower frequency- i.e., pain, grief, anger, traumas, despair and so on.

This energy, over time, emerges into supreme bliss, eternal love as a state of being and consciousness, not an emotion being felt for periods.

The experience can be energetically intense and mild for a smaller number of people. Know that this work is based on letting go; you must let go to experience it. Some people have more difficulty than others letting go and surrendering but know the energy is working to the right degree for you in the given moment.  Some might not feel the energy or even fall asleep during the session but they experience its magic in the following days.

The critical factor here is to deepen this experience with time; repetition and surrendering to the process are essential. You may need a few sessions to deepen into experiencing that space.

During the session, please be a witness to the experience, observe it and allow it. Let the energy take you on a journey, don’t judge it, be present and watch where it takes you.

Offline Preparation:

  • Wear comfortable / loose clothing.

  • Avoid coffee for at least 4 hours before the session.

  • Avoid alcohol and other substances.

  • Eat lightly; an empty stomach is best.

  • Arrive a few minutes early to ground yourself.

  • Avoid scheduling something right after the session.

Is Reiki safe?

In general, reiki is safe for most individuals, including the elderly, children, pregnant women, and those with health conditions.  There is no known side-effects, but it should not be used as a substitute for traditional treatments provided by your doctor or other specialists.  Some insurance policies cover Reiki treatments as well. 

Reiki is meant to add on to therapy you may already receive. If you're healthy, regular reiki therapy session may be able to prevent certain conditions and increase your means of responding to stress.  Reiki may reduce symptoms of various health conditions, particularly conditions that cannot be treated by traditional treatments, including the following:

  • Chronic pain

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Cancer

Individuals who are recovering from surgery may also be good candidates for Reiki treatment.  Reiki helps the body return to a state of relaxation, which promotes healing.

How does Online Reiki work?

Our facilitators do not need to be physically present for this intensified life-force energy to move through you. There is no time and space in the quantum field, so we can work with our energy from afar, experiencing and receiving the same energy level and intensity. Online healing works as effectively as hands-on healing because we work with the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of our being by engaging with the energy body.

The energy body can be accessed easily from anywhere and does not require our physical presence. Everyone is more or less sensitive to this energy, as the life force moves through every being on this planet. It is our programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, faulty perceptions, traumas, shields, and armoring we have protected ourselves with that prevent us from experiencing our true essence and tapping into our fullest potential.

All you are asked to do in these sessions is to be present, allow the energy to flow, surrender to it all, let go, and be open to a new experience without expectations

Online preparation:

  • Please read the info on this page to ensure we can maximise our energy healing time together.

  • Set up your space: Choose a quiet, private area where you can sit on a chair and won't be disturbed. Have water, tissues, and incense ready. Set up your sacred space with good lighting so you can be seen on camera.

  • Technical requirements:

    • Log in using a device with a large screen if possible.

    • Ensure you have Zoom installed and setup.

    • ​Camera on is required for the session.

    • Ensure you have a PAID Spotify subscription for uninterrupted music.

    • Have two devices if possible - one for video and one for audio.

    • Ensure all devices are fully charged.

  • Prepare yourself:

    • Avoid coffee for at least 4 hours before the session.

    • Avoid alcohol and other substances.

    • Eat lightly; an empty stomach is best.

    • Arrive a few minutes early to ground yourself

    • Avoid scheduling something right after the session.

    • Remember, online healing can be as effective as in-person sessions. 

    • Come with an open mind and heart.  We'll hold a sharing circle after the journey to discuss the experience.

Can I do Reiki and KA together? 

Kundalini Activation is like a high-intensity, transformative HIIT workout for the soul. It catalyzes a powerful awakening, rapidly shifting your energy and consciousness. Reiki, on the other hand, is more akin to a nourishing yoga or stretching session - equally important for integrating and grounding the shifts experienced during KA.

Both modalities serve to clear blockages, harmonize the body-mind-spirit, and catalyze profound transformation.  Some practitioners choose to receive Reiki first to prepare and balance the energy field, then experience the more dynamic, awakening power of Kundalini Activation. Others may alternate the two, using Reiki to integrate and ground the KA experiences.

Ultimately, it comes down to your personal needs and preferences.  We would be happy to discuss the synergies between Reiki and KA in more depth, to help you determine the right approach for your unique journey.

The most important thing is to approach both practices with an open heart, a willingness to surrender, and a reverence for the sacred energies you will be working with. When done with purity of intention, the results can be truly life-changing.

What is the difference between Reiki and KA?

Reiki and Kundalini Activation are two distinct practices with different purposes and methods, though they may share some similarities in their effects on spiritual and energetic aspects of the individual.  Reiki is focused on healing and relaxation, while Kundalini Activation is about awakening, change and enlightenment.

​One of the key difference between Reiki attunement and Kundalini Activation is the physical experience. During Reiki attunements, you will be seated comfortably while receiving the transmission, accompanied by calming, meditative music.  However, for the Kundalini Activation transmissions, you will be guided to lie down on a mat or the floor. The music will have a more powerful, enlivening quality to support the rising of the Kundalini energy within you. This may facilitate stronger physical movements and sensations as the energy within youawakens. This is not a typical meditation experience. 


  • Reiki is an energy healing technique that focuses on the practitioner acting as a conduit to channel universal life force energy to the recipient.

  • A Reiki attunement is a sacred ceremony performed by a Reiki Master to open and align the energy channels of the practitioner, allowing them to access and direct the flow of Reiki energy.

  • The attunement process is believed to permanently enhance the practitioner's ability to sense and manipulate energy, as well as increase their intuitive and healing abilities.

  • Reiki is often associated with promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving sleep quality for healing and living a happy life.

Kundalini Activation:

  • Kundalini refers to a spiritual energy or life force that is said to be dormant at the base of the spine, waiting to be awakened.

  • Kundalini activation is the process of deliberately stimulating and raising this energy upwards through the chakras (energy centers) to achieve expanded consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, and union with the divine.

  • This activation is often guided by a Kundalini facilitator.

  • Kundalini activation is typically associated with increased energy, vitality, and the release of emotional and energetic blockages, which may result in more active and intense experiences during the process.

  • Physically for Kundalini Activation, you are laying on a mat/ floor with loud music and may experience stronger physical movements. 

The key difference is that Reiki Attunement is focused on accessing and channeling universal life force energy for healing, relaxation, and ultimately achieving a state of bliss, while Kundalini Activation is about awakening and rising of the individual's own spiritual energy for the purpose of transcendence and enlightenment.

Integration post Reiki

To help the integration process, it is good to add additional physical exercises, ground yourself by walking in nature barefoot after the session, practice Reiki Meditation or journal. 

You may experience these temporarily while your system is adjusting to a higher frequency:

• Outbursts of emotions, exhaustion and feeling out of balance or sorts

• Yawning, coughing, sneezing, running nose

• Feel aches and pains in your body where there was once tension, usually the head or 3rd eye area as they are expanding

• Although a little less often, fever and flu

• Sleeping pattern, diet, digestive system changes while your physical body is also upgrading to match with your higher frequency

There is nothing to worry about; the intense energy sensations should stop in the next few days, and one should perhaps integrate a little more before attending another session.

After a session, it is good to take it easy for the rest of the day, spend some time in nature and observe your energy over the coming days; the energy will continue to work strongly. Most people will notice significant changes and shifts in the days following a session.

Integration is key when we work with deep energy healing methods. When we work with the root cause of our traumas, imprinting, physical manifestations and so on, we can expect a lot of energy to continue dissipating and integrating in the days following our sessions. Depending on the state you are at, it could be similar to a DOMS post a high intensity workout.

Whilst energy is instant; once it’s gone, it has gone; we still need to integrate the lessons, the old patterns, changes in perceptions, and the invisible parts of us to come back into wholeness to reach new heights of clarity, wisdom and spiritual connection. It is not uncommon to feel emotionally raw and fragile after an energy healing.

Energy healing is much like a physical detox. However, with this, we cleanse and purify the mind, body and soul, so we can expect at times to have detox symptoms before the light comes and we feel clear.

Our nervous system may have been bound to energies that have constricted us, that is painful to feel and wound up in a tight ball…. The unwinding of this can mean a lot of new energy is moving through our system, which can feel a little unsettling in the first few days following.

The big releases sure do come in our sessions, but the debris of emotions will continue to purge in the days and weeks coming.

It is a contraction before expansion. Some call this the dark night of the soul.

Reiki Divination

Our Reiki Divination service, combined with orgonite (crystal) and energy field activation, offers a transformative journey towards profound insights and empowerment. The session begins with an aura cleansing, creating a sacred space for a deep connection with universal consciousness. With the guidance of an experienced practitioner, you'll formulate meaningful questions aligned with your intentions and desires. Through this high-vibration session, you'll connect with spiritual entities and tap into their profound knowledge of your life. During this serene experience, you'll access universal consciousness, enhance intuition, and gain valuable insights for personal growth. Whether seeking guidance on well-being, career choices, matters of the heart, or pursuing dreams, this session provides the clarity and wisdom to navigate your path. Reiki Divination facilitates emotional healing and releases old patterns. Within a love-filled and safe space, you'll gain empowerment and understanding of your past, present, and potential future. The experience encourages exploration, self-discovery, and embracing your true potential. After receiving guidance, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions and seek further clarification. The session concludes with a post-session discussion and life coaching to integrate insights into your daily life. Manifest positive changes and align with your spiritual path, gaining deep insights, personal growth, and a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace this transformative opportunity and take a step forward on your journey.


Meditative ware

Among the sacred objects most effective for amplifying a Reiki practice, three stand out:

  1. The Extra Club Custome Orgonite creates a subtle yet potent torsion field that multiplies any energetic work up to ten times over. Leave orgonite around patients to deeply awaken the life force.

  2. Singing bowls fill a space with ethereal overtones that calm the mind and induce altered states. These help open channels for higher guidance during sessions. Bowl music carries vibrations for days after.

  3. Palo Santo wood burns while cleansing unwanted frequencies. Its fragrant smoke uplifts energy in any setting. Wave the smoke over clients, tools, and oneself as an esoteric purification that strengthens Reiki transmissions.

Incorporating such meditative items enhances the healing potency of one's hands magnificently. Orgonite empowers, singing bowls transport, and palo santo purifies for maximum results. For serious Reiki masters seeking deeper impact, these are invaluable additions to integrative energy work. They lift every session to the next octave.

Is Reiki for me?

Reiki can be a transformative experience, but it's essential to consider if it aligns with your personal journey. Here are a few questions to help you determine if this practice is right for you:

  1. Have you exhausted all the existing traditional medical treatments for your health conditions and don't see improvements? If so, Reiki may offer a promising alternative approach to your wellness journey.

  2. Are you seeking natural alternative healing approaches? Exploring Reiki could provide a complementary path to your holistic well-being and reduce reliance on medication with strong side-effects.

  3. Are You Open to Change?  This practice involves significant shifts in consciousness and energy. If you're open to embracing change and transformation, you may find Reiki beneficial.

  4. Do You Have a Commitment to Growth?  Reiki requires sincerity and dedication. If you are committed to your personal growth and healing, this practice can support your journey.

  5. Are You Ready to Explore Your Emotions?  Reiki, or energy work, often brings emotions to the surface for healing. If you're prepared to face and process your feelings, you may find this experience enriching.

  6. Do You Feel Drawn to Energy Work?  If you have an interest in energy healing, yoga, Kundalini Activation, Singing Bowl, Gong, crystals, spinal energetics or mindfulness practices, Reiki could resonate with you.

Important Note:
The Extra Club does not offer any legal, medical, psychological, or other professional advice. For such support, we recommend contacting a licensed professional. Reiki is not recommended for individuals prone to mania or psychosis, or for pregnant women.

Ultimately, Reiki is a lifestyle, it is a personal journey. If you feel a calling to explore this practice, we invite you to join us and discover the profound potential within yourself.

Reiki Master


Mish is a highly skilled Reiki Master, with over 20 years of experience in meditation and wellness. She  holds certifications as a Usui, Karuna and Kundalini Reiki Master, Sound Healing Master, Hypnotherapist, and was a National athlete. Mish expertly combines scientifically proven methods with energy healing to help individuals improve sleep, enhance performance, recover from trauma and serious illnesses, and achieve personal transformation. 


Christy Wong is a holistic well-being practitioner and a Reiki Master in the art of Reiki. Christy holds a Master's degree in Psychology and a Diploma in Aromatherapy. Her diverse educational background allows her to create transformative experiences for her students, guiding them towards optimal well-being and using Singing Bowls as a tool for achieving inner harmony and growth.


Reiki Testimonial

Reiki Testimonial

Watch Now

Tell us your story

We would deeply value your sharing your personal perspective.  By collecting anonymous stories, we're able to extend this healing work to more people in need. Your voice can offer hope.  Please share whatever feels comfortable. Your honest thoughts contribute meaningfully, and other participants will benefit from reading your remarks.

We understand these sessions are deeply personal, so only disclose what feels right. We would greatly appreciate any experiences or takeaways.

Your insights help strengthen and improve our offerings over time. Thank you for your time and for being part of our community.

What happens in the session is not the only part of this healing; you will continue to operate at this frequency, so be mindful of your nutrition and environment especially the week post your session.

Be sure to listen to your body and what it needs, get lots of rest and practice meditation,  journaling, being in nature, grounding, eating and hydrating well.

Book your next online group session

Book your next in-person private session

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Whatsapp: +852 94810758


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