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Questions Ideas for Akashic Records energy field

1. What may I know about … [my career, my health, my relationship with X]?

2. What may I learn from … [an event, a person, an entity]?

3. Can you tell me more about …?

Personal Growth

1. Think of a stranger you encountered recently. What is the most important thing I may learn from him/her?

2. What is the most important area of self-improvement for me to know at this time?

3. What is the most important thing for me to know today?

4. How do I stay in my joy?

5. What are my fears?

6. What can you tell me about a recent disappointment?

7. What belief system do I need to release?

8. What regrets do I have that I need to release?

9. Is there something I can do that I am not doing?


1. Name an interesting thing that happened recently (can be good/bad). What may I know about this event?

2. I am passionate about [XYZ], is there anything else I should know about?

3. What may I know about my purpose?

4. What may I know about my mission?


1. What may I know about my relationship with (fill in a co-worker, family worker, lover, close friend)?

2. May I know who are my teachers and guides?

3. May I know who are my record keepers?


1. What may I know about my health or special health situation?

2. What food or drink stands in the way of my evolution?


1. Am I living in the ideal place for the next 6 months or cycle of time?

2. What may I know about my work?

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