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Emotional breakdown post energy healing

🌊 Let Your Emotions Flow 🌊✨

It's crucial to complete the trauma cycle instead of suppressing it. After practices like Reiki, Kundalini, or other forms of energy work, you may experience intense emotional release as you confront suppressed feelings and traumas.

Intense Emotions: You might cry, feel anger, or experience overwhelming sadness as repressed emotions surface.

Vulnerability: The healing process can expose unresolved issues, bringing them to light.

Release: This cathartic experience is like purging toxins, leading to relief afterward.

While it can be challenging, this breakdown often signals healing and transformation. Many of us tend to hide our feelings, but suppressing them only prolongs the cycle.

The deeper we bury our emotions, the harder they are to release, leaving less room for joy and positivity in our lives. 🌈

The releasing process may be uncomfortable or scary, but it’s essential to let it flow! If you need to cry, cry. If you need to scream, scream. Let it out! 💔

Surround yourself with supportive souls who won’t judge. Allow yourself to express what you need without fear. You're not alone on this journey! 🤗💕

Think of it like purging: it’s not pretty, but once the toxins are out, you feel so much better. Embrace this process as part of healing! 🌟

✨ How do you let your emotions flow? Share your experiences below! ✨


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