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Holistic Wellness

Body-weight Fitness |  Stretching  |  Meditation

At a beautiful space curated by The Extra Club, participants will breathe in fresh air and connect themselves with mother Gaia. Participants will follow our qualified fitness trainer for a HIIT body weight workout (adjusted to participant's level) to increase energy, then assisted stretches to improve range of motion and end with a guided meditation to source joy, love and peace energy from the universe.


Most reported benefits by participants include feeling relaxed and peaceful, increased energy level, reduced shoulders stiffness, reduced back pain, better sleep quality, improved emotional resilience, higher productivity in daily life, feeling happier!


Body-weight HIIT

HIIT body weight training is an effective way of achieving results as the participant will learn how to exercise anytime anywhere to tone up muscles and condition to enjoy their daily lives at office, at home and on holidays. This is designed to help our participants look great and feel great in their wedding/ power dresses. It also increases energy for daily life, improves sleep quality and reduces stress. Intensity will be adjusted according to participant's level and goals.


Stretching will increase range of motion for sports performance/ daily life. It will help speed up recovery after fitness trainings and reduce cramps. Together with your partner or your bestie, it will be a nice bonding activity connecting with each other and to reduce stress. The stretch is adjusted to each participant's level and participants at any fitness level are welcomed. If you enjoy Thai massage, you will probably enjoy assisted stretching.


Reiki meditation

This will lift your spirit and ease your stressed body. We help you get there using reiki energy breathing methodology that will balance your chakras. You don’t need to be spiritual, religious, or interested in the supernatural to benefit.  Just relax and let us balance your chakras with divine love from the universe.

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