Holistic Wellness - Macau
Sun, Sep 18
|Lago Nam Van, Macao
Body-weight fitness training | Assisted stretching | Reiki chakra balancing energy meditation

Time & Location
Sep 18, 2022, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Lago Nam Van, Macao, Av. Panoramica do Lago Nam Van, Macao
About the event
在南灣湖, 景色令人驚嘆,充滿活力,參與者將享受日落,呼吸新鮮空氣,並與蓋亞母親聯繫。參與者將跟隨 Mish 教練 - 認證健身教練和靈氣能量大師, 進行中低強度鍛煉以增加能量,然後輔助伸展運動以改善運動範圍,並以引導冥想結束,從宇宙中獲取快樂、愛與和平的能量。有趣的是,這是她長大的地方!
1. 參加者須年滿 18 歲。
2. 活動視天氣情況而定。
1. 帶上你自己的運動墊/毛巾和水
2. 穿著帶著燦爛笑容的運動裝
3. 留下您的手機聯絡號碼。我們將通過whatsapp與您聯繫,了解確切的位置/時間/天氣狀況
4. 已在澳門健康應用程式上擁有“綠碼”(符合疫苗通行證要求)。如果您有新冠病毒症狀,請留在家中休息以早日康復
聚會地點:南灣湖 Av. View of Lake Nam Van
What is The Extra Club Holistic Wellness training? Check HERE.
At Av. View of Lake Nam Van by the lake with the amazing view and energy, participants will enjoy the sunset, breathe in fresh air and connect themselves with mother Gaia. Participants will follow coach Mish, our certified fitness trainer and Reiki energy master for a low to medium workout to increase energy, then assisted stretches to improve range of motion and end with a guided meditation to source joy, love and peace energy from the universe. Fun fact, this is where she grew up!
The experience is designed for less active participants to have a taste of holistic wellness practice focusing on strength, mobility, mental wellness and connecting with people including themselves in an hour.
Most reported benefits by participants include feeling relaxed and peaceful, increased energy level, reduced shoulders stiffness, reduced back pain, better sleep quality, improved emotional resilience, higher productivity in daily life, feeling happier!
1. Participant shall be above 18 years old.
2. The event is subject to weather condition.
Preparation required:
1. Bring your own exercise mat/ towel and water
2. Wear workout outfit with a big smile
3. Leave us your mobile contact number. We will reach out to you via whatsapp regarding exact location/ time/ weather condition
4. Have 'Green Code' (Vaccine Pass Requirements Met) on Macau Health app. If you have covid symptoms, please stay home and rest for speedy recovery
Meetup location: Av. View of Lake Nam Van
Early Bird - Holistic Wellness
HK$0.00Sale endedHolistic Wellness
Pay what you want+Ticket service feeSale ended